
You are about to join the Clan, Gangs, Cards and Dices (cGCD) Community!

It is free and it is up to You to stay a viewer. 
As a moderated viewer, You are able to click as much as Paying Supporters; as a supported viewer, You can click less but never enough and as a Paying Supporter You enjoy your choices.

Take a look at the "seasonOne: upcomingStrategy" development log post to know more about 'instantPurchase' or join the "fanBase" to discuss the project.


As an entity, You reach the dCS dream and explore twenty one  scenes.
A total of fifty six clicks (0.) and four scrolls (+) are needed to discover each scene.

1. Run game.
2. Reach the dCS dream.
3. Special effects extermination.
4. Get possibles.
5. Take selection.
6. Make the first choice: touch green, for example.
7. Leave the first choice.
8. Make the second choice: touch another green, for example.
9. Leave the second choice.
10. Make the third choice: touch one more green, for example.
11. Leave the third choice.
12. Make the fourth choice: touch an additional green, for example.
13. Leave the fourth choice.
14. Make the fifth choice: continue to touch green, for example.
15. Leave the fifth choice.
16. Make the sixth choice: do not stop touch green, for example.
17. Leave the sixth choice.
18. Make the seventh choice: touch the last yellow, for example.
19. Leave the seventh choice.
20. Make the eighth choice: touch the first yellow, for example.
21. Leave the eighth choice.
22. Make the ninth choice: touch the second yellow, for example.
23. Leave the ninth choice.
24. Make the tenth choice: touch the third yellow, for example.
25. Leave the tenth choice.
26. Make the eleventh choice: touch red, for example.
27. Leave the eleventh choice.
28. Make the twelvth choice: touch another red, for example.
29. Leave the twelvth choice.
30. Make the thirteenth choice: touch one more red, for example.
31. Leave the thirteenth choice.
32. Make the fourteenth choice: touch an additional red, for example.
33. Leave the fourteenth choice.
34. Make the fifteenth choice: continue to touch red, for example.
35. Leave the fifteenth choice.
36. Make the sixteenth choice: touch blue, for example.
37. Leave the sixteenth choice (or acquire something later).
38. Make the seventeenth choice: touch another blue, for example.
39. Leave the seventeenth choice (or accept invite to win later). 
40. Make the eighteenth choice: touch one more blue, for example.
41. Leave the eighteenth choice (or accept invite to coordinate time later).
42. Make the nineteenth choice: touch an additional blue, for example.
43. Leave the nineteenth choice (or accept invite to solve the Tutorial later).
44. Make the twenteeth choice: touch the last blue, for example.
45. Reload the dCS dream.
46. Special effects resolution.
47. Resume possibles.
48. Take the other selection.
49. Make the choice number twenty one: touch dCS, for example.
50. Special effects management.
51. Check possibles.
52. Take dCS.
53. Special effects control.
54. Remember possibles.
55. Confirm selection.
56. Make the choice number twenty two: touch the last green, for example.

Congratulation! You are now a clan member. Data to implement your own character is coming soon. More rules are coming later.

Important Provision: 

The Instant Purchase (IP) submission to dCS is not a game submission as required at the dCS website and not intended to claim a valid game entry. 

Development log