
General Update or Announcement
Share bug fixes, smaller updates, or announcements related to the project.

Important Provision: 

The BUG submission to  Colyseus + Unity Gamejam ($500 prize) #MOGJ is not a game submission as required at the Multiplayer Online Game Jam page and not intended to claim a valid game entry.


Submissions due in 18 hours, 32 minutes and 9 seconds: I discover the above named gamejam.

Question: Why not join the Jam and submit something to develop?
Answer: Because it is too late to start a project 54 hours later than suggested.

This is the reason I decide to be back once the jam is over to enjoy others result.

Approximately twenty four hours later:

Voting ends in 3 days, 17 hours, 27 minutes and 22 seconds.


Submissions due in 3 hours, 55 minutes and 30 seconds: The 'bug' project is ready to be saved.

Last update: 2021.064

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